Software Department Manager |
Description: |
Managing a software development department of 17 employees.
Introduced new roles and internal semi-agile development processes. Developed new processes for cooperation between sales, realization, and service departments.
Period: |
November 2016 - April 2018
WMS extensions for Walmart E-commerce |
Project description: |
Walmart need major extension of the installed WMS to be able to handle goods from external suppliers.
Resposible for specification, architecture changes, design and for driving the development.
Roles: |
Software architect, software project manager for SSI Schäfer
Period: |
March 2016 - April 2018
Technologies: |
Oracle, Java, ObjectAid UML, SOAP, REST, MQ
New WMS for Walmart E-commerce USA |
Project description: |
Walmart ordered four new automated E-commerce warehouses in USA based on WAMAS WMS from SSI Schäfer.
I was resposible for all interfaces to 12 different external systems. This included customer communication, specification, architecture, design, implementation, test and commisioning.
I was also software architect on main parts of the WMS, especially the parts related to the external interfaces.
The project was driven from Germany with support from local SSI Schäfer departments in USA, Denmark, Russia, Austria, and Romania.
Roles: |
Software architect, software developer, software project manager for SSI Schäfer
Period: |
October 2013 - February 2016
Technologies: |
Oracle, Java, ObjectAid UML, SOAP, REST, MQ
New WMS for Attends, Sweden |
Project description: |
Attends Healthcare AB, Sweden ordered a new automated highbay Warehouse with WMS based on WAMAS WMS from SSI Schäfer.
I was part of the German project team. My roles were primarily design, implementation, test, commissioning, and training.
Roles: |
Software developer and solution architect for SSI Schäfer.
Period: |
November 2012 - October 2013
Technologies: |
Oracle, Java, ObjectAid UML
Product management, Library self-service machines |
Project description: |
Lyngsoe Library Systems built a new software platform for self-service machines at libraries.
My role was to design and lead implementation of new requirements from Libraries in Northern Europe and North America. I also was to
optimized and documented new internal processes in a task force team.
Roles: |
Software product manager at Lyngsoe Library Systems.
Period: |
December 2010 - September 2012
Technologies: |
Wireless Dect Handset, RTX Telecom |
Project description: |
I was part of a small group to make software and hardware design for an embedded wireless handset for a VOIP (voice over IP) phone.
Hardware development was located in Hong Kong. I was working closely together with both hardware and software teams.
Roles: |
Software and hardware architect and designer. Software developer.
Period: |
January 2008 - November 2010
Technologies: |
C, hardware design
Sorter control, Lyngsoe Systems |
Project description: |
I was mainly working with high level sorter controls of bagage sorters in airports and package sorters in warehouses.
Main projects:
- Otto Versand, Germany
- Baur Versand, Germany
- Hong Kong Airport
- Ataturk Airport, Istanbul
- Walmart, USA
- Rite Aid, USA
- Target, USA
- Sears, Canada
- Fedex Smartpost, USA
- UPS, Cologne, Germany
- J.D. Williams, England
- Levis, USA
- Johannesburg Airport, South Afrika
Roles: |
Software developer
Period: |
July 2004 - November 2008
Technologies: |
C, Java, MySQL, Unix
Projekter fra studietiden på Aalborg Universitet
10. semester: |
Developing a Test Bed for AAUSat-II |
Project description: |
Designing robust and fault tolerant systems is a difficult task. The possibilities of making errors are present both in hardware and software. Experience has shown, that 50% of a software developers working time is spent on testing and debugging, whereas less than 5% of the educational time is dedicated to these tasks. [Beizer,1990]
When a satellite is launched into orbit, several man hours of development have been put into the construction of the satellite. To obtain a high possibility of a succesfull mission, the satellite should have undergone a severe amount of testing prior to the launch. Since the time available for testing student projects is often very reduced, a tool to help the integration testing is desirable.
On the previous CubeSat [Cubesat,2003] satellite project the integration and testing was very difficult, because no specifications on how to perform these tasks were present. The test bed should include a set of minimum tests, so that some minimum extent of integration testing can be performed with little effort required from the subsystem developers.
The purpose of this project is to develop a test bed for the AAUSat satellite system, and future pico satellites based on the same platform.
Group members: |
- Morten Koch
- Jesper Noer
- Michael Pedersen
Masters Thesis: |
User Manual: |
Language: |
Homepage: |
9. semester: |
Developing a Robust Protocol for Wireless Fire Alarms |
Abstract: |
This project deals with the development of a communication protocol
used to ensure a robust and reliable communication in a wireless fire
alarm system.
Based on an analysis of the scenario consisting of wireless
detectors communicating with gateways which are connected to a
central unit via a cabled network, the communication technologies
are chosen. The ZigBee protocol is chosen as the wireless
communication standard, and the cabled network is simulated using
RS232 connections.
An application layer protocol is developed on top of the ZigBee
protocol, with high availability, reliability, robustness, and low
power consumption as primary objectives.
A detector is designed and implemented using a TI-430F149
microcontroller and a gateway and central unit are merged and
implemented on a Linux PC. Two Adcon Addlink 868 MHz ZigBee based
radio modems are used as Wireless links.
The designed protocol is verified using Uppaal to ensure that no
live- or deadlocks exist, and the required specifications dictated
by EN/DS standards are met.
The protocol software is implemented on a system consisting of one
detector and one gateway/central unit.
Through testing it became evident, that the developed protocol can
provide robust and reliable communication between detector and
central unit, with an error rate of less then 10^-9
Group members: |
- Morten Koch
- Jesper Noer
- Michael Pedersen
Project Report: |
Language: |
8. semester: |
Modelling and Simulation Platform for Large-Scale Network Structures |
Abstract: |
This report documents the development of a simulation platform for large-scale network structures. The platform is developed by using the object oriented language C++ with a command prompt user interface.
The platform can generate networks of different topologies. These are: simple ring, double ring, wheel, fully connected, N2Rpq and random topology. It is also possible to create a network manually. After generation the networks can be manipulated. The platform is able to simulate the maximum flow, number of hops and traffic load for networks up to 1500 nodes. The maximum simulation time for each of the algorithms is below 15 minutes.
A Java application presents the simulation results graphically in order to make it easy to compare network performance.
Group members: |
- Frode Fjermestad
- Peder Helle
- Christian Lodberg
- Michael Pedersen
- Muhammad Tahir Riaz
Project Report: |
Language: |
7. semester: |
Prototyping a Fault-tolerant CAN Bus Based Distributed Servosystem |
Abstract: |
In conventional car power steerings the steering arms on the hinged wheels are mechanically connected by a track rod. When the steering wheel is turned the rotation from the steering column, assisted by a hydraulic servo-cylinder moves the track rod sideways, turning both wheels.
This construction has the advantage of being simple and cheap. It is, however, quite space consuming and vibrations from the wheels are transmitted through the steering column to the steering wheel. This raises the idea of a distributed servosystem, utilizing electric actuators to position the wheels and for force feedback to the steering wheel. The objective of this paper is to present and review the prototype of a duplicated Controller Area Network (CAN) bus based fault-tolerant distributed power steering, especially considering the pitfalls of such a system.
A prototype of a distributed servosystem has been tested with different scenarios and fault cases. The node connections and fault tolerance work satisfactorily and acts as expected, but the actuators have proven to be underdimensioned.
Group members: |
- Michael Skipper Andersen
- Jørgen Friis
- Niels Nørregård Hansen
- Johnny Jensen
- Rene Just Nielsen
- Michael Pedersen
Article: |
Worksheets: |
Poster: |
Language: |
6. semester: |
Design of a Controller for a Wind Tunnel |
Abstract: |
This project deals with the construction of a controller for the wind
tunnel situated at the Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg
This report documents a theoretical analysis and modeling of the
physical wind tunnel together with an experimental modeling of the
actuator of the tunnel, consisting of an AC-motor with a fan mounted
on the shaft and a frequency converter. Then it deals with the design
of three controllers: a PID, a PID with an input filter and a state-space
controller. With the use of a performance index and the controller
features, the best suited controller for the tunnel is chosen. Further
the report documents the design of a graphical user interface for
Windows 2000 that is the interface between the user and the control
system. The interface is written in C.
The project has resulted in the control software pelecan together
with a PID controller implemented in the wind tunnel control system.
Due to a very late instrumentation of the tunnel, it has not been
possible to make a model verification. Therefore the controller
designs are based on the the unverified models, for which reason the
controllers have been coarsely adjusted to be usable in the tunnel
Group members: |
- Michael Skipper Andersen
- Jørgen Friis
- Niels Nørregård Hansen
- Johnny Jensen
- Rene Just Nielsen
- Michael Pedersen
Project Report: |
Language: |
5. semester: |
Satellitstrømforsyning |
Abstract: |
Denne rapport omhandler gruppe E5-510's projektarbejde omkring dimensionering
af en strømforsyning til AAU Cubesat. Rapporten bygger på de krav der
er fastsat til AAU Cubesat. I projektet er hovedvægten lagt
på at dimensionere en switchmode strømforsyning med optimal
nyttevirkning med tilhørende regulering.
Strømforsyningen er opbygget med en
reguleret bus på 5 V og forberedt til at benytte solceller
som input. Der er blevet udformet modeller til beskrivelse og dimensionering af
konverterne. Der er realiseret tre konvertere, der
fungerer i åbensløjfe, med nyttevirkninger på omkring
90%. Ligeledes er der opstillet modeller for reguleringen, som er opsplittet i en digital og analog
del. Den digitale realisering er udarbejdet teoretisk og forsøgt
implementeret i en PIC16F877.
I reguleringen er Maximum Power Point Tracking
indeholdt, for at opnå optimal udnyttelse af solcellerne. Den analoge
regulering er beskrevet, men ikke realiseret i strømforsyningen.
Gruppemedlemmer: |
- Jørgen Friis
- Mikkel Borch-Jensen
- Johnny Jensen
- Søren Skak Jensen
- Peter Kjeldmann
- Michael Pedersen
- Steffen Præstholm
Projektrapport: |
Sprog: |
4. semester: |
Styring af El-cykel |
Gruppemedlemmer: |
- Jørgen Friis
- Mikkel Borch-Jensen
- Johnny Jensen
- Søren Skak Jensen
- Michael Pedersen
- Troels Pedersen
- Steffen Præstholm
Sprog: |
3. semester: |
Hi-Fi forstærker |
Gruppemedlemmer: |
- Jørgen Friis
- Mikkel Borch-Jensen
- Johnny Jensen
- Søren Skak Jensen
- Michael Pedersen
- Steffen Præstholm
Projektrapport: |
Sprog: |
2. semester: |
Lineær strømforsyning - modellering og fremstilling |
Gruppemedlemmer: |
- Sune Holm Christensen
- Johnny Jensen
- Lars Dissing Overballe
- Michael Pedersen
- Steffen Præstholm
- Kenneth Wosylus
Projektrapport: |
Sprog: |
1. semester: |
Introduktion til Neurale Netværk |
Gruppemedlemmer: |
- Mads Fogh
- Johnny Jensen
- Bjørn H. Madsen
- Lars Dissing Overballe
- Michael Pedersen
- Steffen Præstholm
- Kenneth Wosylus
Projektrapport: |
Sprog: |
| |